miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

unit 3

Unit 3



 when assessing we need to consider both quality and quantity any valid participation is a good assessment for and e-activity

1.- Quality: A good concrete contribution

2.- Initiative: When the student becomes autodidactic .

3.- Quantity: as long as the information is accurate and within the parameters is ok

4.- Originality: Each contribution has to show students concept or what the students understood.

5.-Respectufulness: The student has to respect the contribution of everyone even if they´re in favor of that opinion.


Prompting Students

I would say that the word "expert" is a subjective term. there isn't really an expert in any given domain there are those who know a lot but do not know everything there is to know. that is why we should reference students to books or internet information to activate their own learning.


Sharing Information

The activity I would use for exchanging information would be a debate which allows students practice real time information exchange. when sharing information or Accessing Sources. Research search engines in Distance Education • Join e-groups• Browse/Search • Ask someone who knows • Go exactly to an address from a reference


Stating Clear Objectives

in the first example the information his presented to directed, in a manner a student is not engaged or appeal usually when the information is presented this way.

in the second example the information is clear tony creates a secure environment for  the student and he actually get students involved with the subject .

in the third example there is a lack of interest or it fells it was done in a hurry and the invitation is not appealing

It would be my pleasure to invite you to our conference in connectors that express cause and effect presented in the schools amphitheater will been learning common expressions and uses for cause and effect connectors  


What Would You Say

The squirrel:

my suggestion is to stress the importance of continuous course participation as well of including a activity that requires constant participation of the students


The stag:

 It´s great to have a student with the knowledge and enthusiasm  to participate, but he have to informed him to leave space for other students


The Magpie:

we need to advise the student that the course requires is own reflections and that his ideas are important that there is no need to copy the answers form others


The changing model of teaching and learning

we as future teachers will need to establish strong teacher-student relationship. we should be a guide a facilitator for student learning we need to make student learn in their own providing the right tolls to make students achieve auto-learning. also a teacher should always keep updating their knowledge to provide students the best posibility to learn.   

unit 2

Unit 2

Reaction to sparks

 Beto and I think that the spark in this section is the evocation of memories past, and the descriptions of beautiful images, such as trees in a river, mountains in a lake, clouds on the ocean. These might spark an emotional reaction in students. Some, anyways. In our case, it did more on me than him.

principals of an E-tivity


1. Online learning has to have other educational, moral or social value.

2. Students should be engaged to the activities and be allowed to personalize its content.

3. All the topics addressed should be significant and relevant to the learning.

4. The activities should stimulate autonomous work and independency towards learning and progress.



(C)title, new
(E)copy, paste

He is referring to various topics, he is being rude and finally his message is to long 

Her message is not clear no context and she is not friendly in her message



:O surprise/shock

>:O angry

:'-( Crying

:-\ Undecided

O:-) Angel/Innocent

:-| Unemotional/Not funny

sorry for the delay every body

Electronic Pages

I do not have much experience in regards to online courses they only previous knowledge that i have with this type of teaching is the experience we had from last semester but i agree with Yolanda because this allows us to take the course in our free time even if we don't have much free time we can always make a time to work in this type of courses.


first we need to know how to defined education and garrison and shale defined as interactions between content, students, and teachers. Laurillard constructed a conversational model of learning in which interaction between students and teachers plays the critical role.

know regarding to online learning we need to know this is a new tool for teachers this days also the Web affords interaction in many modalities so know a days creating a model requires taking into consideration how students learn and what is what they are learning.

The Web supports haves a more passive forms of student-content interaction, and also provides a host of new opportunities, including immersion in to what is being taught. Teacher-teacher interaction creates the opportunity for professional development and support of models on online teaching allowing them to monitor and update online content.

Web offers a vast variety of powerful items for educators. Existing and older education provisions have been defined by the techniques and tools designed to overcome the limitations and exploit the capacities of earlier media.

Our challenge as online instructors is to delineate which modes, methods, activities, and actors are most effective, in terms of cost and learning


Concepts of DE

collaborative learning

A learning environment in which individual learners support and add to an emerging pool of knowledge of a group; emphasizes peer relationships as learners work together creating learning communities.

knowledge transfer

Describes a view of education in which knowledge is packaged and transmitted to learners. In distance education this is manifested in very precise and careful organization of content with relatively little emphasis on interaction except for remedial purposes, since it is assumed all that is needed is contained in the package.

locus of control

Concept identified by Rotter and related to concept of learner autonomy. "A locus of control orientation is a belief about whether the outcomes of our actions are contingent on what we do (internal control orientation) or on events outside our personal control (external control orientation)."